Category Archives: Film

Showreel – 2012

Check out my 2012 showreel! Contains some of my motion graphics, vfx, film/documentary, cgi, and interactive arts work!



Practice Mockumentary

This is about a year old and also something filmed in Japan. Mainly an exercise in cinematography.

Cycle – Student Documentary

Here is a link to a documentary a few classmates and I made while I was studying abroad in Japan!

The Immortal – A Fulldome Audio-Visual Composition

“…there is not a face that is not on the verge of dissolving like a face in a dream.”

-Jorge Luis Borges

Referencing Jorge Luis Borges’ short story in title, my film, ‘The Immortal’, is an experimental, audio-visual composition tailored specifically for a fulldome (planetarium) screen. Drawing upon themes found in Borges’ work on immortality and in many of Polish Artist – Zdzisław Beksiński’s paintings, the piece seeks to frame and explore the body as both a prison and impetus to narratively experience the world.

Narrative Vignettes:
Courtney Johnson, Jourden Simmons, John Pryor, David Helberg, Annette Farrell, Dylan Ward, Javonna Arriaga, Curran Long, Kelly Michael Fox

Movement/Dream Sequence:
Choreographed by Laara Garcia (Pseudopod Interactive)
Dancers: Laara Garcia, Devin McDermott, Chanteal Duke, Bayeshan Cooper

Special Thanks:
Andrew Connolly, James Coupe, Rich MacDonald, Jonathan Fay, Molly Mac Fedyk, Richard Karpen, Ha Na Lee, Baron Von Oldenburg, Bennett Schatz, Blaine Doherty, DXARTS 493 Thesis Classmates, DXARTS faculty and staff, and all of my other awesome friends and family who without, this piece would not have been possible!

Gaelen Sayres

Part of Digital Arts & Experimental Media (DXARTS) 2012 BFA Show

Dancer Collaboration – Time Remapping

A short piece I did with dancer, Annie Chang, exploring multiple pathways and possibilities of form that arise when moving between two simple shapes.

Conquer Graymail with Hotmail – Ad Campaign

Below are three recent spots that I did the motion graphics for!

“Sumos In The Way”

“Stay Fresh”

“Messenger Boys”

“The Evolution of a Small Business” // Focus On Your Business

Created the motion graphics and replaced/added the screens!

“Double Rainbow” — Windows Live Photo Gallery

Worked on the motion graphics and sky/screen replacement!

Torii – Experimental Film

Stemming from my own personal experiences surrounding the events of Japan’s March 11th earthquake, this piece seeks to explore the relationship and balance between indoctrinated faith and personal belief in times of peace and great stress.

Using “Torii” (Japanese Shinto shrine gates) as a focal point, the piece also tries to explore how they are objects that exist both in the spiritual and physical world; how they are more a gateway into a different mindset rather than physical space.

I gathered most of the footage (still shots and film) during the few weeks proceeding the quake and have spent the past few months trying to put it together in a meaningful way. I would love feedback as I plan to work on it more in the future!

Someplace Beautiful

Coming from a more experimental background, this film is one of my first serious attempts at creating a narrative drama. From concept to final product, I wanted create as much of a cinematic experience as possible in the four weeks that I had and no budget.

The film was shot mainly on a 7D using a Sigma f/1.4 30mm (awesome lens by the way) and composed for 2.39:1 aspect ratio.

I want to thank everyone who helped out with the production, I really couldn’t have pulled it off without them.

Written, Directed, and Edited by:
Gaelen Sayres

Directors of Photography:
Gaelen Sayres
Daniel Kim

Brandon Nevins as “Erik”
Briana Chicha as “Jane”

Noel Vincent
Edward Calabig

“A dream of sorts” – supersole
“Dark tech (feat R08028)” – supersole

“Smooth Depth” – Greendjohn

“Threads” – Kachkin

Special Thanks:
Felix Viscarret
Annabel Castro